When looking for a shed in Northern California, many people end up asking the question, “What size shed can I get without having to get a building permit?” Here at Sequoia Sheds, we’ve gotten asked that question enough times that we decided to compile the information we have on the subject in this blog.
The quick and simple answer is: you usually don’t need a permit if the shed is 120 square feet or less. In California, most jurisdictions have adopted the 120 square foot rule. If your shed area is larger than 120 square feet, it needs a building permit. If it’s less than that, it doesn’t.
How much is 120 square feet? Well, that works out to a storage shed that is either 10×12 or 8×15. Sequoia Sheds builds both of these sizes. We will be happy to quote you a price! Head over to our quote request page to request a quote.
Sequoia Sheds services Northern California north of Sacramento. For your convenience, I have listed below the sources where we got our information for some of the most common counties and cities which we service. Included are Shasta County, Tehama County, Trinity County, Plumas County, Lassen County, Butte County, Sutter County, and Glenn County, as well as the cities of Redding and Chico.
Please let me know if you discover that any of this information is out of date! You can reach me by emailing me from the Contact Page on this website.
Shasta County Permit Requirements
Shasta County Work Exempt From Permits
Relevant quote: Permits shall not be required for the following…Other than storm shelters, one-story detached accessory structures, provide that the floor area does not exceed 120 square feet and a maximum height of 12 feet to the ridge.
Tehama County Permit Requirements
Relevant quote: A building permit shall not be required for the following:
… One-story detached residential accessory buildings used as tool or storage sheds, playhouses and similar uses, provided the structure is not located on a public utility easement or in front, rear and side setbacks required by the zoning code of Tehama County. The floor area shall not exceed one hundred twenty square feet. The structure shall be a minimum of six feet from the dwelling or accessory buildings.
Trinity County Permit Requirements
I was not able to find any information on Trinity County’s website regarding what size shed needs a building permit. So I reached out to the building department. They confirmed via email on 3/4/25 that sheds in Trinity County do not require permits unless they are over 120 square feet, or if they have power or plumbing to them.
Glenn County Permit Requirements
Glenn County Permits Required and Exemptions
Relevant quote. A building permit is required for the following types of construction: … Storage or Playhouse Buildings (over 120 square feet).
Butte County Permit Requirements
Butte County Work Exempt From Building Permits
Relevant quote: Work exempt from permit…1. One-story detached accessory structures used as tool sheds, playhouses and similar uses, provided the floor area does not exceed 120 square feet (11m2)
Plumas County Permit Requirements
Plumas County No Fee Storage Building Permit Application
Relevant quote: This permit application is subject to the following limits and conditions:
ONE STORY DETACHED ACCESSORY STRUCTURES: Used only as a tool and storage shed, wood shed, playhouse or similar use provided the floor area does not exceed 200 sq.-ft. (When this type of building is less than 120sqft, no permit is required).
Lassen County Permit Requirements
Lassen County work exempt from permit
Relevant quote: Work exempt from permit:…One-story detached accessory structures, provided that the floor area does not exceed 120 square feet.
Sutter County Permit Requirements
Sutter County What Requires a Building Permit
Relevant quote: ITEMS EXEMPT FROM BUILDING PERMITS 1. One-story detached accessory structures used as sheds, playhouses, shade structures and similar uses, provided the floor area does not exceed 120 square feet. (Must meet setback requirements)
City of Redding Permit Requirements
Relevant quote: A building permit is not required for the following…One-story detached accessory structures used as tool and storage sheds, playhouses, and similar uses provided the floor area does not exceed 120 square feet.
Note: To find this information, click on the link above, and then select the box that says, “Is a permit or other review required?” The website also states: “However, items exempt from a building permit may require approval by other departments such as Planning, Fire, Public Works, or other regional, state, and federal agencies.” We recommend you do your own research on what that means.
City of Chico Permit Requirements
Relevant quote: Some of the projects which do not require a building permit are:…Single story detached accessory structures used as tool and storage sheds, playhouses, etc., as long as the structure does not exceed 120 square feet, is not within the front, side or rear setbacks (please confirm with Planning Dept.), does not have any plumbing or electricity, and the height does not exceed 15 feet.
Note: To find this information, click on the link above, and then select the box that says, “When is a permit not needed?”.
Order From Us
If you’re needing a storage shed or back yard office that doesn’t need a building permit, we can help! Our mission is to make your shed purchase easy by combining quality built sheds with stellar customer service and seamless delivery. You can get in touch by filling out the contact form on our website. Or call us at (530) 840-4465.