Craftsmanship, Service & Value
Red Bluff, California. Serving Redding to Chico and beyond
Grey Premium Ranch with white trims and red door


Why customers choose this shed style…

The Premium Ranch is an elegant garden shed that offers a finishing touch for any landscape. The walls are 7’4″ high, so the door can be installed on the end or on the side. There’s plenty of room inside for storage, shelving, and even an overhead loft. Our classic 5/12 pitch roof  with 4″ overhangs on all sides adds a finished, elegant look and plenty of head room.

Top-quality craftsmanship and a Ten Year warranty give you peace of mind. We use 2×4’s in our walls, not flimsy 2×3’s. Our floors are built with solid 3/4″ tongue and groove plywood. The doors on the Premium Ranch are over 6’8″ tall, so you’ll never bump your head walking in! We use a diamond-plate threshold on the door-sill to protect the edge of the floor.

Customization options, such as skylights, shelves, and flower-boxes, are available on the Options page. Enjoy the beauty and function of a classic storage shed! The model pictured here has the extra options of an accent color on the door and a 2’x3′ window.

Are you interested in our economy version of the Premium Ranch shed? Head over to the Standard Ranch shed page by clicking here.

For a detailed look at how our sheds are built, go to this Buying Guide page, where we explain how the sheds are built.

The Premium


  • 8 x 8$3380
  • 8 x 10$3785
  • 8 x 12$4190
  • 8 x 14$4595
  • 8 x 15$4895
  • 10 x 10$4315
  • 10 x 12$4770
  • Favorite

    Double Doors
    Inside Shelving

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