Buying Guide
Choosing and Preparing a Shed Site

When you are preparing your site location for shed delivery, keep in mind that the shed area should be within 6” of being level, and should have at least 18” of clearance (preferably 24″) between the shed placement and any surrounding fences or buildings. During delivery, we’ll also need an adequate access path to reach the shed site, including 2 feet of vertical clearance in addition to your shed height. Sometimes trimming a few branches can make all the difference.
If you have questions or concerns about your shed site, we will be happy to discuss your specific location, and see what we can do to assist.
During delivery, we will level the shed on your site, using leveling blocks which we provide. Many of our customers decide to put down a gravel base on the site, extending a foot beyond the boundaries of the shed. This is a great idea, and provides a perfect base for your shed.
Shed Delivery
We offer free delivery within 50 miles of our location!

We normally deliver your fully-assembled shed right to your site, using our delivery trailer and a mechanized shed-mover with wheels. We place the shed on your prepared location, then level it and block as needed before we leave.
If there is no access path big enough to bring in a fully-assembled shed, we can do an on-site build, which typically takes one full day, and adds 10% to the cost of your shed. Certain sheds with more complex features (such as the Lean-to, the Chalet, and the Cottage) may incur higher onsite fees. If you are farther than 50 miles from our shop, the on-site build fee will also be higher.